RStudio project
Open the RStudio project that we created in the previous session. We recommend using this RStudio project for the entire course and within the RStudio project create separate R scripts for each session.
# Session 4: Data import and export
and save the file in
your folder “scripts” within your project folder, e.g. as
“4_DataImportExport.R”R offers several options for accessing different data formats.
Standard formats include text files (in ASCII format), binary files, R
files (single objects or entire workspaces), and databases. These data
can be read in from files using a file path, but also from the Internet
using an URL path or from the clipboard. Of course, you can also write
to these same devices. A good overview is provided in the manual „R Data
Import/Export“ (R Core Team 2019), which
you can access by typing help.start(). The manual also contains
information on some useful packages, e.g. foreign
, which
provides access to datasets created with different statistical software
such as SAS, SPSS, S-PLUS etc. Data import using the package
is briefly explained in the RStudio cheat
Download the data files veggyshopping.txt
, veggyshopping.csv
and myColumn.txt
from the course
data repository and move them to the data folder inside your project
Since you are working in an R project the R session already points to
the project directory, so when we want to load data from the data folder
that is contained within the project directory, all we need to do is
specify the relative path to the data folder. This is best done
using file.path(), because this function builds the path automatically
using the correct slash (/
on Unix systems, \
on Windows). Let’s list the files inside the data folder:
# file.path() constructs the path with the correct slash (they are different on different operating systems). The point is a placeholder for your current folder
file.path(".", "data") # the . is a placeholder for your current working directory. It can be omitted, but we keep it as an example of how paths are built.
list.files(path = file.path(".", "data"))
# Since we are not navigating to subfolders within the data folder, in this specific case we can also use:
list.files(path = "data")
Read the file veggyshopping.txt
from your data folder.
The file is in table format (data frame); every column has a name, and
columns are separated by comma. This information is important for
correct reading:
my_df <- read.table(file.path('.', 'data', 'veggyshopping.txt'))
There may be several reasons for an error message. Is the data table
correct? Do all columns contain the same number of elements? Yes, the
data file is correct. Then, it probably has to do with the arguments
passed to read.table()
. Have a look at the help page and
the default settings.
Important arguments:
: (path) and file nameheader
: a logical value indicating whether the file
contains column names; defaults to FALSE
: column separator. Default: ” ” (white space or
: character used for decimal points. Default:
: optional vector giving data types for each
: set to FALSE
to avoid
automatic transformation of character to factor.R expects white spaces as field separators but we had separated our data columns by a comma when saving the file. Also, R does not assume column names, so, we need to tell R that:
(my_df <- read.table(file.path("data", "veggyshopping.txt"), sep = ',', header = TRUE))
There are also some useful modifications for common formats, e.g. for comma-separated files (csv):
read.csv(file.path("data", "veggyshopping.txt"))
read.csv(file.path("data", "veggyshopping.csv"))
Sometimes, using read.table() or its modifications is not meaningful.
The next example file does not contain a data table but only a (very
long) vector. read.table()
will still work but it will be
slow and will create a data frame object with many rows in only one
column, which is not very sensible.
read.table(file.path("data", "myColumn.txt"))
For such one-row or one-column data files, it is better to use
functions like scan()
. With some exercise, this command can
also be used for reading very complex data structures.
scan(file.path("data", "myColumn.txt"))
Other packages are available that provide more convenient functions
for data import, e.g. tidyverse
or data.table
Often, these functions will automatically detect the data structure in
the files.
read_delim(file.path("data", "veggyshopping.txt"))
# so, read_delim does not detect the column separator
read_delim(file.path("data", "veggyshopping.txt"), delim = ',')
read_csv(file.path("data", "veggyshopping.txt"))
fread(file.path("data", "veggyshopping.txt"))
All objects created in R can be exported to file. Data frame can be
written to file by write.table
and its variants:
write.table(veggy_shopping, file.path("data", "veggyshopping.txt"), row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = ',')
write.csv(veggy_shopping, file.path("data", "veggyshopping.csv"))
This will automatically overwrite the two files you downloaded above because the file paths are identical to those of the downloaded files.
Important arguments:
: (path) and file namesep
: column separator. Default: ” ” or “,” (depending
on function)dec
: character used for decimal points. Default:
“.”The function write()
allows writing vectors and matrices
to file. However, it contains some surprising default settings. Check
out the help pages and the below example. For demonstration purposes, we
pipe the output into the console (““).
# Write vector:
x <- 1:500
write(x, "") # prints to console
# Write matrix:
(Xmat <- matrix(1:10, ncol = 5))
write(Xmat, "") # prints to console
Surprisingly, the matrix is not exported in the right structure.
Check out the help page ?write
to find out more about
# transpose matrix before exporting: works!
write(t(Xmat), "")
When your data structure is more complex than simple data frames or matrices, other formats are likely preferable to text files.
: saves R objects to .Rdata
When you load an .Rdata
file (load()
), objects
saved within appear in your global environment under the same name they
were stored with.saveRDS()
: stores R objects to .rds
format. Arguably the most efficient way of storing any type of data that
only needs to be accessed by R. readRDS()
files and you can assign the loaded data to a new
object name (unlike load()
which automatically assigns the
object name of the data from when it was stored).save.image()
: stores your entire workspace (equivalent
to save()
, but for all the data currently in the global
environment). This way, you can simply continue an R session at any
later time by loading the stored workspace image (load()
When you are working in an RStudio project, workspace images are stored
upon exiting the project by default. When your loaded objects take up a
lot of memory, saving and loading can become pretty slow and it
sometimes might be preferable to disable this setting.# save object Xmat to Rdata format
save(Xmat, file = file.path("data", "Xmat.Rdata"))
load(file.path("data", "Xmat.Rdata")) # object Xmat will be loaded into global environment
saveRDS(Xmat, file = file.path("data", "Xmat.rds"))
Xmat_differentname <- readRDS(file.path("data", "Xmat.rds")) # same matrix, but is loaded into a different object name in global environment
Task 1: Download the file surveys_pract3.txt
save it in the data folder of your R-project. The data set contains
vertebrate survey data with information about the survey date (year,
month and day columns), the survey plot and information on the surveyed
species (species id, sex, hindfoot length and weight) (Ernest et al. 2018).
and not
in the
data folder. Specify a suitable separator.