I am fascinated by the question why species and individuals are where they are, how they get there and how they manage to sustain. This is central to understanding how they will respond to changes in their abiotic and biotic environment, for example due to climate change.
In my team, we tackle research questions across several spatial and temporal scales. For example, we study drivers of broad-scale species distributions, of population dynamics as well as individual fitness, and their interplay with inter- and intraspecific interactions and life-history trade-offs. Modelling and data integration is a major part of our work, and we dedicate a lot of time to testing and improving existing methods for biodiversity modelling.
ISIMIP sector on Terrestrial biodiversity (since 2025)
GEOBON Eco-code working group on biodiversity modelling (since 2022)
Panel member
Expert panel “Abiotic effects on biodiversity”, National Monitoring Centre Biodiversity, Germany (since 2021)
Commission member
IUCN SSC Climate Change Specialist Group (since 2017)
For opportunities to join the lab, please have a look here.
Group leader:
Administrative assistant:
Scientific programmers:
Senior & Postdoctoral researchers:
Doctoral researchers:
Research assistants, Bachelor & Master students:
Zoonoses Emergence across Degraded and Restored Forest Ecosystems - funded by HORIZON-CL6-2023-BIODIV-01 (2024-2027)
Understanding population and community response to global change - Emmy Noether project funded by the German Science Foundation DFG (2018-2023).
Copernicus-based service for the improvement of habitat suitability of farmland birds - funded by HORIZON-EUSPA-2021-SPACE (2023-2026).
Drivers of past and future population and community dynamics in North American breeding birds - funded by the German Science Foundation DFG (2023-2026).
Niche and spread dynamics of introduced alien plants in Pacific - funded by the German Science Foundation DFG (2023-2026).
Predicting biodiversity change by integrating genetic diversity into ecological niche models - Leibniz Cooperative Excellence Project (2021-2024)
Automated bioacoustic monitoring of birds, bats and insects.
The RangeShifter platform - an eco-evolutionary modelling framework.
Improved automated image recognition for identifying plants of Switzerland - Interdisciplinary project funded by the Swiss Data Science Center (2020-2022).
Moving from pattern towards process for improved forecasts of species range dynamics - DAAD research exchange with Univ. Melbourne (2019-2020).
Scaling from individual interactions to community dynamics in avian assemblages - Ambizione project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF (2016-2019).
Improving species biodiversity analyses and citizen science feedback - Interdisciplinary project funded by the Swiss Data Science Center (2017-2019).
Understanding and predicting multispecies assemblages and interactions - Marie Curie fellowship funded by FP7 (2014-2016).
Improve species range predictions for scenarios of environmental change - PhD research (2007-2011).
You can find a full list of my publications here.
My ResearcherID is E-2439-2012. You can also find me on ResearchGate and GoogleScholar.
Teaching materials for practicals:
Current teaching:
You can download some of my codes from my github site.
Latest software developments in my team include: