RStudio project

Open the RStudio project that we created in the previous session. I recommend to use this RStudio project for the entire module and within the RStudio project create separate R scripts for each session.

  • Create a new empty R script by going to the tab “File”, select “New File” and then “R script”
  • In the new R script, type # Session Occ-6: Dynamic occupancy models and save the file in your folder “scripts” within your project folder, e.g. as “Occ6_DynamicOccModel.R”

1 Introduction

In this practical we turn to an extension of occupancy models to predicting changes in the occupancy status of sites across multiple seasons (years). Such range dynamics can be modelled using the so-called dynamic occupancy models (D. I. MacKenzie et al. 2003), also known as multiple-season occupancy models. Dynamic occupancy models explicitly model species colonisation of non-occupied sites and local extinctions at occupied sites (Kéry, Guillera-Arroita, and Lahoz-Monfort 2013; Briscoe et al. 2021), similar to classic metapopulation models (Hanski 1998). Occupancy or range dynamics over time are then simulated as a Markov process where the occupancy of a site is determined by the occupancy of the previous time step and the transition probability (colonisation probability of unoccupied sites and extinction probability of occupied sites). Additionally, dynamic occupancy models can explicitly consider imperfect detection as we already know from occupancy-detection models (D. MacKenzie et al. 2006) but can also be fitted without the observation process (Kéry and Royle 2021).

Similar to before, accounting for this imperfect detection requires a hierarchical model structure in which we separately describe the state process, here the occupancy \(z_{it}\) of a species at site \(i\) in year \(t\), and the observation process, here the probability \(y_{ijt}\) of observing a species at site \(i\) during survey \(j\) in year \(t\) if the species is indeed present.

Patch or site occupancy then depends on the initial occupancy \(\psi_{i1}\) and the colonisation and extinction probabilities. The occupancy probability at time \(t+1\) is given by:

\[\psi_{i,t+1} = (1-\psi_{it}) \cdot \gamma_i + \psi_{it} \cdot (1-\epsilon_i)\]

where a non-occupied site \((1-\psi_{it})\) can become occupied with probability of colonisation \(\gamma_i\) and an occupied site \(\psi_{it}\) will remain occupied with survival probability \((1-\epsilon_i)\) or go extinct with extinction probability \(\epsilon_i\). The probability to detect the species at an occupied site is \(p_{ijt}\). Four linked generalised linear models (GLMs) are used to describe these different states and processes (the initial occupancy \(\psi_{1}\), the probability of colonisation \(\gamma_i\), the probability of extinction \(\epsilon\) and the probability of detection \(p\)) and their relation to different site and survey covariates.

Similar to static occupancy models, dynamic occupancy models assume closure (meaning the occupancy state does not change between replicate surveys within one season) and no false positives (meaning no misidentification of the species).

2 Case study: range dynamics of crossbill in Switzerland

In this practical, we are going to work with data from the Swiss common breeding birds survey (MHB) that has been running since 1999. Annual surveys are conducted in 267 sampling sites (1 km2 cells) with three visits each year (two above the treeline). Data on repeated surveys per year during 1999-2007 are available for the red crossbill within the package unmarked (Fiske and Chandler 2011) and this example has also previously been used by unmarked vignettes to illustrate dynamic occupancy modelling.

2.1 Data preparation

We load the data:


# Load data for the red crossbill

# Inspect data
##   id  ele forest surveys det991 det992 det993 det001 det002 det003 det011
## 1  1  450      3       3      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## 2  2  450     21       3      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## 3  3 1050     32       3     NA     NA     NA      0      0      0      1
## 4  4  950      9       3      0      0      0      1      0      0      0
## 5  5 1150     35       3      0      0      0      1      1      1      0
## 6  6  550      2       3     NA     NA     NA      0      0      0      0
##   det012 det013 det021 det022 det023 det031 det032 det033 det041 det042 det043
## 1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## 2      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
## 3      1      0      0      0      0      1      1      1      0      0      0
## 4      0      0      0      0      0      0      1      0      0      0      0
## 5      0      1      1      0      0      1      1      0      1      1      0
## 6      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0
##   det051 det052 det053 det061 det062 det063 det071 det072 det073 date991
## 1      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      34
## 2      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      17
## 3      0      0      0      0      0      1      0      1      0      NA
## 4      0      0      0      0      0      1      0      1      1      29
## 5      1      0      0      0      0      0      1      1      1      24
## 6      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      0      NA
##   date992 date993 date001 date002 date003 date011 date012 date013 date021
## 1      59      65      33      48      68      30      54      76      29
## 2      33      65      22      50      66      14      28      61      13
## 3      NA      NA      38      67      85      28      50      83      30
## 4      59      65      33      48      68      24      54      76      39
## 5      45      65      21      46      71      31      56      73      23
## 6      NA      NA      22      35      72      27      55      80      28
##   date022 date023 date031 date032 date033 date041 date042 date043 date051
## 1      58      73      24      49      76      28      51      74      35
## 2      39      62      18      40      68      23      38      59      20
## 3      47      74      26      55      87      25      60      95      24
## 4      61      77      31      62      76      24      54      74      22
## 5      44      71      16      44      70      22      48      69      28
## 6      56      73      24      51      60      27      55      64      27
##   date052 date053 date061 date062 date063 date071 date072 date073
## 1      52      73      19      56      65      20      46      54
## 2      35      65      15      28      55      19      50      56
## 3      59      87      23      62      90      22      55      61
## 4      60      76      22      57      78      22      49      70
## 5      51      73      23      42      70      15      43      60
## 6      39      55      29      40      52      21      40      49

The data frame contains three different types of variables:

  • Three site covariates: These covariates vary only by site (elevation, forest cover, number of surveys per season).
  • Detection data: the 27 columns entitled “det991”–“det073” contain the detection/non detection information. NAs indicate that no survey was conducted.
  • Survey covariates: the 27 columns entitled “date991” – “date073” are the survey covariates. Here, they only provide information on the date of each survey (given as day of year).

Both the site covariates and the survey covariates contain NA values. The unmarked package will automatically remove these missing data during model fitting. To make sure that the same number of records are removed when fitting different candidate models, we set all observations to NA if site or survey covariates are missing.

# Survey covariates, here only Date
Date <- as.matrix(crossbill[, 32:58]) 

# Observations / Detection histories
y.cross <- as.matrix(crossbill[, 5:31]) 

# Set all observations for which no survey covariate is available to NA
y.cross[ !=] <- NA

# Site covariates
siteCovs <- crossbill[, 2:3]

In this example, we do not have any dynamic covariates that vary across years. We could still test whether the colonisation or extinction rates vary across time by using year as a dynamic “yearly” covariate.

# Yearly site covariates
year <- matrix(as.character(1999:2007), nrow(crossbill), 9, byrow = TRUE)

As we already know from static occupancy-detection models, the numeric optimisation will stabilise more easily when the covariates are standardised.

# Standardise survey covariates, here only Date
Date <- scale(Date)

# Standardise site covariates
siteCovs <- scale(siteCovs)

Finally, we construct an unmarkedMultFrame object that is needed for the colext() function, which implements dynamic occupancy models following D. I. MacKenzie et al. (2003).

# Make unmarkedMultFrame for dynamic occupancy model
crossbill_umf <- unmarkedMultFrame(y = y.cross, # detection histories
  siteCovs = data.frame(siteCovs),  # (static) site covariates
  yearlySiteCovs = list(year = year), # list of yearly (dynamic) site covariates
  obsCovs = list(date = Date), # list of survey covariates
  numPrimary = 9) # number of primary time periods (here, number of years)

3 Fitting dynamic occupancy models

3.1 Simple dynamic occupancy model without covariates

The simplest model is the null model where we estimate only intercepts for the different parts of the model and thus assume that these parameters are constant across the entire study region: the initial occupancy \(\psi_{1}\), the probability of colonisation \(\gamma_i\), the probability of extinction \(\epsilon\) and the probability of detection \(p\). For this, we will use the function colext() in the unmarked package. When you look up the help page ?colext you will see that the function expects four different formulas for these four rates.

# Null model with only intercepts (assuming constant rates across study region)
dom_null <- colext(psiformula = ~1,
                   gammaformula = ~1,
                   epsilonformula = ~1,
                   pformula = ~1,
                   data = crossbill_umf)

# Inspect the fitted model:
## Call:
## colext(psiformula = ~1, gammaformula = ~1, epsilonformula = ~1, 
##     pformula = ~1, data = crossbill_umf)
## Initial:
##  Estimate    SE     z  P(>|z|)
##    -0.794 0.154 -5.14 2.68e-07
## Colonization:
##  Estimate    SE     z P(>|z|)
##     -1.97 0.112 -17.6   4e-69
## Extinction:
##  Estimate    SE     z  P(>|z|)
##     -1.57 0.153 -10.2 1.29e-24
## Detection:
##  Estimate     SE    z P(>|z|)
##    0.0644 0.0564 1.14   0.254
## AIC: 5193.503

The displayed output contains the estimates for the four states and process rates, and the AIC. As in static occupancy-detection models, all estimates are provided on the logit scale and we need to back transform them to get probability estimates between 0 and 1.

# Get the names of the estimated rates as stored in the model object:
## [1] "psi" "col" "ext" "det"
# Use above names to extract and back transform the estimates:
# Initial occupancy psi:
backTransform(dom_null, type="psi")
## Backtransformed linear combination(s) of Initial estimate(s)
##  Estimate     SE LinComb (Intercept)
##     0.311 0.0331  -0.794           1
## Transformation: logistic
# Colonisation rate gamma:
backTransform(dom_null, type="col")
## Backtransformed linear combination(s) of Colonization estimate(s)
##  Estimate     SE LinComb (Intercept)
##     0.123 0.0121   -1.97           1
## Transformation: logistic
# Extinction rate epsilon:
backTransform(dom_null, type="ext")
## Backtransformed linear combination(s) of Extinction estimate(s)
##  Estimate     SE LinComb (Intercept)
##     0.172 0.0219   -1.57           1
## Transformation: logistic
# Detection probability p:
backTransform(dom_null, type="det")
## Backtransformed linear combination(s) of Detection estimate(s)
##  Estimate     SE LinComb (Intercept)
##     0.516 0.0141  0.0644           1
## Transformation: logistic

We can also get the confidence interval around these estimates.

# Detection probability p:
confint(backTransform(dom_null, type="det"))
##      0.025    0.975
##  0.4884587 0.543623

Results indicate that the crossbill has an initial occupancy of c. 0.3, meaning it is expected to occur in 30% of the study region, and has a detection probability of c. 0.5, meaning it can be observed with a 50% chance.

3.2 Adding covariates

We can add covariates to all four states and process rates. However, Kéry and Royle (2021) advice to add covariates in a stepwise manner as the opimisation algorithm can easily get stuck in local rather than global minima. They thus recommend, additional to scaling the covariates, to fit the model in a forward stepwise fashion progressively increasing model complexity while monitoring the negative log-likelihood. The latter can be extracted from the models using dom_null@negLogLike. It should decrease with increasing model complexity, else it may indicate local minima. Convergence could then be improved by varying the starting values for the optimisation algorithm and increasing the number of iterations. For more recommendations, take a look at chapter 4 of Kéry and Royle (2021).

Let’s fit a few - still comparably simple - models with covariates and then compare the models in terms of AIC. You will encounter longer computation times for more complex models.

# Let only colonisation vary by year (note that -1 removes the intercept for simpler presentation)
dom_1 <- colext(psiformula = ~ 1, 
                gammaformula = ~ year-1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ 1, 
                pformula = ~ 1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# Let only extinction vary by year
dom_2 <- colext(psiformula = ~ 1, 
                gammaformula = ~ 1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ year-1, 
                pformula = ~ 1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# Let only detection vary by year
dom_3 <- colext(psiformula = ~ 1, 
                gammaformula = ~ 1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ 1, 
                pformula = ~ year-1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# A fully time-dependent model
dom_4 <- colext(psiformula = ~ 1, 
                gammaformula = ~ year-1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ year-1, 
                pformula = ~ year-1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# Compare the different models with time-dependence
cand_models <- fitList(
  'psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(.)' = dom_null,
  'psi(.)gam(Y)eps(.)p(.)' = dom_1,
  'psi(.)gam(.)eps(Y)p(.)' = dom_2,
  'psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)' = dom_3,
  'psi(.)gam(Y)eps(Y)p(Y)' = dom_4)
(dom_sel <- modSel(cand_models))
##                        nPars     AIC delta   AICwt cumltvWt
## psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)    12 5111.31  0.00 1.0e+00     1.00
## psi(.)gam(Y)eps(Y)p(Y)    26 5127.63 16.31 2.9e-04     1.00
## psi(.)gam(Y)eps(.)p(.)    11 5179.09 67.77 1.9e-15     1.00
## psi(.)gam(.)eps(Y)p(.)    11 5191.13 79.82 4.7e-18     1.00
## psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(.)     4 5193.50 82.19 1.4e-18     1.00

Clearly, the model with year-dependent detection (dom_3) is the best. We will now start building up the initial occupancy part.

# Keep time-dependent detection and build up initial occupancy
# Add linear term for elevation
dom_5 <- colext(psiformula = ~ ele, 
                gammaformula = ~ 1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ 1, 
                pformula = ~ year-1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# Add linear term for elevation and forest
dom_6 <- colext(psiformula = ~ ele + forest, 
                gammaformula = ~ 1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ 1, 
                pformula = ~ year-1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# Add linear and quadratic term for elevation
dom_7 <- colext(psiformula = ~ ele + I(ele^2) + forest, 
                gammaformula = ~ 1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ 1, 
                pformula = ~ year-1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# Add linear and quadratic term for elevation and forest
dom_8 <- colext(psiformula = ~ ele + I(ele^2) + forest + I(forest^2), 
                gammaformula = ~ 1, 
                epsilonformula = ~ 1, 
                pformula = ~ year-1, 
                data = crossbill_umf)

# Compare the different models with time-dependence
cand_models2 <- fitList(
  'psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(.)' = dom_null,
  'psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)' = dom_3,
  'psi(ele)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)' = dom_5,
  'psi(ele+forest)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)' = dom_6,
  'psi(ele+ele.sqr+forest)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)' = dom_7,
  'psi(ele+ele.sqr+forest+forest.sqr)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)' = dom_8)
(dom_sel2 <- modSel(cand_models2))
##                                                    nPars     AIC  delta   AICwt
## psi(ele+ele.sqr+forest+forest.sqr)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)    16 5026.94   0.00 7.6e-01
## psi(ele+ele.sqr+forest)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)               15 5029.22   2.28 2.4e-01
## psi(ele+forest)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)                       14 5059.25  32.32 7.3e-08
## psi(ele)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)                              13 5099.60  72.67 1.3e-16
## psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)                                12 5111.31  84.38 3.6e-19
## psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(.)                                 4 5193.50 166.57 5.1e-37
##                                                    cumltvWt
## psi(ele+ele.sqr+forest+forest.sqr)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)     0.76
## psi(ele+ele.sqr+forest)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)                1.00
## psi(ele+forest)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)                        1.00
## psi(ele)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)                               1.00
## psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(Y)                                 1.00
## psi(.)gam(.)eps(.)p(.)                                 1.00

It seems the full model for initial occupancy is the best model. We would now proceed with this model and start building up colonisation, then extinction, and finally detection. But for simplicity, let’s move on to model assessment.

4 Model assessment

4.1 Visualising the modelled response

We can visualise the modelled response for each of the four processes. We start by plotting the partial reponse curves for initial occupancy.

# Create covariate gradients (at original scale):
grad.ele <- seq(min(crossbill$ele), max(crossbill$ele), length=100)
grad.forest <- seq(min(crossbill$forest), max(crossbill$forest), length=100)

# Standardise them using the stored means and sd of our data
grad.ele.scaled <- scale(grad.ele, center=mean(crossbill$ele), scale=sd(crossbill$ele))
grad.forest.scaled <- scale(grad.forest, center=mean(crossbill$forest), scale=sd(crossbill$forest))

# Make prediction of initial occupancy - predictions are done separately for each gradient, while the other covariate is kept constant at their mean (mean=0 as the covariates were standardised)
dummyData <- data.frame(ele=grad.ele.scaled, forest=0)
pred.psi.ele <- predict(dom_8, type="psi", newdata=dummyData, appendData=TRUE)

dummyData <- data.frame(ele=0, forest=grad.forest.scaled)
pred.psi.forest <- predict(dom_8, type="psi", newdata=dummyData, appendData=TRUE)

# Plot the response curves for initial occupancy probability along the two gradients:
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(pred.psi.ele[[1]] ~ grad.ele, type = "n", ylim = c(0,1), ylab = "Initial occupancy prob.", xlab = "Elevation [m]") 
polygon(c(grad.ele,rev(grad.ele)), c(pred.psi.ele[,3],rev(pred.psi.ele[,4])), col='grey', border=NA)
lines(pred.psi.ele[[1]] ~ grad.ele, lwd=3, col='blue')

# plot the response curves for occupancy probability along cropland gradient:
plot(pred.psi.forest[[1]] ~ grad.forest, type = "n", ylim = c(0,1), ylab = "Initial occupancy prob.", xlab = "Forest cover [%]") 
polygon(c(grad.forest,rev(grad.forest)), c(pred.psi.forest[,3],rev(pred.psi.forest[,4])), col='grey', border=NA)
lines(pred.psi.forest[[1]] ~ grad.forest, lwd=3, col='blue')

4.2 Goodness-of-fit test

To test how well the model fits the data, we can use an extension of the goodness-of-fit test by D. I. MacKenzie and Bailey (2004). Conveniently, this is also implemented in the mb.gof.test() function in the package AICcmodavg (Mazerolle 2023). Remember that it is recommended to simulate at least 1000 bootstrap samples, but this can take quite long. For illustrative purposes you could again reduce the number of bootstrap samples (set by using argument nsim).

# perform bootstrapped GoF-test
(gof.results <- mb.gof.test(dom_8, nsim=1000))
## Goodness-of-fit for dynamic occupancy model
## Number of seasons:  9 
## Chi-square statistic:
## Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8 
##  28.0624  17.9722  75.9222  28.4517  34.6810  36.3121  29.9120  34.1002 
## Season 9 
##  41.8516 
## Total chi-square = 327.2655 
## Number of bootstrap samples = 1000
## P-value = 0
## Quantiles of bootstrapped statistics:
##   0%  25%  50%  75% 100% 
##   45   68   76   85  135 
## Estimate of c-hat = 4.25

The p-value indicates the probability of the null hypothesis that there is no lack of fit and thus no major differences between expected and observed frequencies. A value \(p≤0.05\) would indicate a lack-of-fit of the model.

As we can see from the model output, the model has a severe lack-of-fit. The \(\hat{c}>4\) (c-hat) indicates that we should not trust the model but should rather try to further improve it, for example, by adding covariates to better explain the variance in the data. For simplicity, we will still continue working with this model to also illustrate the prediction step.

4.3 Predictive accuracy - outlook

Predictive accuracy of these models to independent data (new times or new places) is rarely assessed. In principle, we could use discrimination measures to quantify how well our model predicts observed presences and absences of independent data. For example, Briscoe et al. (2021) collated all detection/non-detections across repeated surveys to naïve occupancy estimates and then assessed disrimination ability of the models. Such discrimination measures are typically used in correlative species distribution models (SDM). Yet, we have to keep in mind for interpretation that occupancy is a hidden process and our presence/absence observations are the outcome or combined effect of occupancy and detection. Here, we are not learning any additional discrimination measures. If you are interested in these, we recommend to look into SDM literature (e.g. Guisan, Thuiller, and Zimmermann 2017) or at our SDM tutorials (e.g. here).

5 Model predictions

We have already used the generic predict() function above to predict initial occupancy. We can do the same for predicting the colonisation and extinction rates as well as detection probabilities in the different locations and years, given the covariates (Kéry, Guillera-Arroita, and Lahoz-Monfort 2013). While such information is useful, it does not yet offer an estimate of occupancy for each year of the time series. To obtain occupancy estimates for the remaining years, we have to run simulations (Briscoe et al. 2021), which we will see at the end of this practical.

5.1 Mapping the predicted responses

We want to map the modelled response in space and for this need to first prepare the geographic layers. In practical Occ-3, we have already learned how to obtain elevation maps and tree cover maps with the geodata package.


# Let's first find out which country code Switzerland has

# Get elevation data for Switzerland
elev_CHE <- geodata::elevation_30s(country='CHE', path='data', mask=T)

# Get tree cover data (we need it in percent!) and crop to Switzerland
forest_CHE <- geodata::landcover(var='trees', path='data', download=F)*100
forest_CHE <- terra::crop(forest_CHE, elev_CHE)
forest_CHE <- terra::mask(forest_CHE, elev_CHE)

Now we can make predictions and map our different responses: the initial occupancy \(\psi_{1}\), the probability of colonisation \(\gamma_i\), the probability of extinction \(\epsilon\) and the probability of detection \(p\). In our model dom_8, only the initial occupancy varies across space, we restrict mapping to this process. We still compute also the predictions of \(\gamma\) and \(\epsilon\) at each site (Note that we did not include time-dependence in these submodels). These predictions are needed for later simulations of occupancy across time. We do not need predictions of detection probability for these simulations. As detection probability did not vary across space in our model dom_8, we do not map it either.

# Prepare data frame with all site covariates
CHE_env <- data.frame(crds(elev_CHE),as.points(elev_CHE),as.points(forest_CHE))
names(CHE_env)[3:4] <- c('ele', 'forest')

# Scale the data
CHE_env$ele <- scale(CHE_env$ele, center=mean(crossbill$ele), scale=sd(crossbill$ele))
CHE_env$forest <- scale(CHE_env$forest, center=mean(crossbill$forest), scale=sd(crossbill$forest))

# Predict initial occupancy probability per site
psi1 <- predict(dom_8, type="psi", newdata=CHE_env, appendData=TRUE)
plot(terra::rast(psi1[,c('x','y','Predicted')], type='xyz', crs=crs(elev_CHE)))

psi1_pred <- psi1$Predicted

# Predict colonisation probability per site
col <- predict(dom_8, type="col", newdata=CHE_env, appendData=TRUE)
col_pred <- col$Predicted

# Predict extinction probability per site
ext <- predict(dom_8, type="ext", newdata=CHE_env, appendData=TRUE)
ext_pred <- ext$Predicted

5.2 Simulating occupancy

For simulating occupancy, we need the spatial and temporal predictions from above. Based on these, we first draw the initial occurrence state of each site from Bernoulli trials using the initial occupancy probability. Then, we calculate the occupancy probability at time \(t+1\) using the function we have seen earlier:

\[\psi_{i,t+1} = (1-\psi_{it}) \cdot \gamma_i + \psi_{it} \cdot (1-\epsilon_i)\]

Once we know the occupancy probability at time \(t+1\), we can then draw the occurrence state of each site at time \(t+1\) from a Bernoulli trial. We do this for all subsequent time steps and repeat the procedure e.g. 1000 times or more. For simplicity and illustrative purposes, you can again reduce the number of simulations.

# Set number of stochastic simulations to run:
nsim <- 1000

# Number of sites
nsites <- nrow(CHE_env)

# Number of primary seasons
nyears <- crossbill_umf@numPrimary

# Create empty list to store the simulated occupancy states
Zs <- list()

# Creat empty matrix to store mean occupancy
prev_sim <- matrix(NA, nsim, nyears)

# Loop through the number of simulations and compute occupancy
for (nn in seq_len(nsim)){
  # Create empty matrix to store occupancy for the current simulation
  Z <- matrix(NA, nsites, nyears)
  # Draw initial occupancy state from Bernoulli trial
  Z[,1] <- rbinom(nsites,1,psi1_pred)
  # Loop through subsequent years
  for (yy in 2:nyears) {
    # Compute occupancy probability based on colonisation and extinction probabilities and occupancy from previous year
    # Remember that our col and ext are constant over time, which may not always be the case
    occ_prob <- Z[,yy-1]*(1-ext_pred)+(1-Z[,yy-1])*col_pred
    # Draw occupancy state from Bernoulli trial
    Z[,yy] <- rbinom(nsites,1,occ_prob)
  # Store results
  Zs[[nn]] <- Z
  prev_sim[nn,] <- colMeans(Z)

Finally, from the simulation results, we plot the predicted change in mean occupancy (prevalence) over time and map the predicted mean occupancy in each year.

# Summarise the mean occupancy (prevalence) over time:
mean_prev <- data.frame(year=as.character(1999:2007), mean_prev=colMeans(prev_sim), sd_prev=apply(prev_sim,2,sd))

# Plot mean occupancy (prevalence) and sd:
ggplot(mean_prev, aes(x=year, y=mean_prev, group=1)) + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_prev-sd_prev, ymax=mean_prev+sd_prev), width=.1) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("Year") + ylab("Predicted mean occupancy")

We see that our mean occupancy is increasing over time. Next, we want to map the mean predicted occupancy per year.

# Calculate mean occupancy per cell over all simulations
Zs_mean <- Reduce('+',Zs)/nsim

# Convert to data frame and rename columns
Zs_mean <- data.frame(Zs_mean)
names(Zs_mean) <- paste0('Year_',(1999:2007))

# Merge with spatial information
Zs_mean <- data.frame(CHE_env[,1:2], Zs_mean)
# Convert to SpatRaster
r_Zs_mean <- terra::rast(Zs_mean, type='xyz', crs=crs(elev_CHE))

# Map predicted mean occupancy
terra::plot(r_Zs_mean, range=c(0,1))

We see that local mean occupancy actually decreases over time and the spatial occupancy patterns seem to become more blurred. This is not unexpected as we haven’t yet included any covariates to our colonisation and extinction models and thus each site as equal colonisation and extinction probabilities. As our GoF-test indicated, our model seems to be missing important covariate information and we would thus re-initiate the modelling cycle to further improve the model.

6 Homework prep

For the homework, you will need several objects that you should not forget to save.

# Save (non-terra) objects from the workspace:
save(crossbill_umf, gof.results, CHE_env, Zs, Zs_mean, prev_sim, file='data/Occ6_DynamicOccModel.RData')

As homework, solve all the exercises in the blue boxes.


  • Continue building up the covariate model by adding covariates for colonisation and extinction and comparing the results step by step.
  • Add date as a covariate in the detection model.
  • Assess the goodness-of-fit of the model.
  • Plot the partial response curves for all states and processes (initial occupancy, colonisation, extinction, detectability) for which you included predictors.


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